Welcome to the 4selections recruitment website, CandidateDatabank. Here, you will find all the positions we have chosen to advertise. We employ several different recruitment methods, so not all positions may be posted here. Therefore, we recommend that you submit an unsolicited application to be included in our recruitment pool if you haven’t already found a position that interests you and matches your qualifications. This will ensure that you are considered every time we work to fill a position.
We operate on a global scale, with our headquarters based in Denmark. Our practices adhere to Danish and European data protection legislation, ensuring your information is handled with the utmost care. We encourage you to review the criteria for candidate selection and non-selection. Our commitment to ethical standards, frameworks, and international agreements is central to our operations, prioritising your safety and security throughout the recruitment process.
Here you will find the list of available jobs:
Here you can send an unsolicited application:
Here you can send an – unsolicited application – artists, musicians and actors
Notes, Questions & Answers
We have typically created a detailed search profile and recruitment plan with our candidate. Here we have discussed and familiarised ourselves with the company’s mission, vision, stage of development, corporate culture, and behaviour pattern. The company’s business plan, the wishes of the immediate manager, the team composition, and the daily tasks. It is in relation to these areas that we search for and select suitable and matching candidates.
A detailed talent profile is drawn up that, as a minimum, highlights the needs of the overall talent pool, including competencies, knowledge, and skills. Professional experience, theoretical ballast.
It is in relation to these two focus areas that a match is assessed, i.e., the needs of the company on the one hand and the actual candidate on the other. Candidates we believe can be successful in the position and who match the full picture needed are considered for selection.
Selection is based on facts, not assumptions.
After a selection, there will be an evaluation where we meet, and there may be more interviews to clarify the match. Suitable and matching candidates are presented to the client.
Candidates we believe match and whom the client approves as suitable and matching candidates will undergo a background and reference check.
At the first interview, please bring valid photo identification and original diplomas. Copies of written references.
We ask for consent to photograph, archive, and pass on to our kileint. We ask for a reference list with information about the last employers, including phone, email, position, company name, and period of employment.
Collected references obtained are treated as highly confidential and kept in a concluded form.
4selection Global Search and Selection solves external recruitment tasks not only for our clients but also for the partners we have, so we see several categories of positions you can apply for, and far from all positions are advertised here. Therefore, send us an unsolicited application.
An unsolicited application should be submitted via the special form application setup.
Please note the questions about the position, geographical location, expectations for the position, and possible tasks. Expectations regarding salary and benefits. Your ability to travel, amount of days.
We work globally. We are based out of Denmark and we follow Danish and European Data legislation.
In Denmark, the law is defined as: “Act supplementing the Regulation on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (Data Protection Act)”.
By submitting your application, you agree that we may store, process, and recycle your documents. This is based on the special permission given by the Danish Data Protection Authority.
We are obliged to inform you that this consent can be withdrawn at your request. Please contact our Data Officer and your data will be deleted.
In order for us as a recruitment company to comply with the rules on record-keeping, all applications are received via this website only. All other applications received will be deleted. So please remember that everything must go through this page.
Legally, we must inform you that you can ask for consent to be revoked. This must be done in writing via email. There are some security rules for this.
For reasons of confidentiality, please send your request in writing to the email address you provided when you applied for the position.
Email: gpdr@candidatedatabank.com
Once your consent is revoked, you cannot be a candidate with us. We will confirm when your material is deleted. We will retain a copy of your email, as well as your first and last name and your address, as evidence of a deletion. Applications, CVs, and others material will be deleted. If you need to reapply, please resubmit your material.
For confidentiality reasons, we cannot confirm whether a given person is applying for or is a candidate for a position by telephone.
We do follow the “Equality Act 2010”: The Equality Act, including the frames defined in the Act and guidance and codes of practice. Feel free to read more here.